The war in Ukraine, the current evolution of the China-Taiwan conflict and other escalating frictions in the world are shifting our worldview.
We worry about our security and how to protect it. Is there still room for a peaceful perspective in times of war? Is there an alternative to this escalation of violence?
In the midst of increasing polarisation and conflict, Silence for Peace intends to be a peace initiative. By coming together in silence we can connect with each other and with the world.
The language of silence transcends all cultures and religions. In silence we express our solidarity with all those who live in war and conflict.
Silence for Peace invites you on 24 September to be present in silence together with others.
Walking in silence
What we hear and see in the media about what is happening in the world – far away or close by – can give us a feeling of powerlessness and distress. Can we, at such moments, turn our attention inwards? Can we experience peace and silence in this moment, in ourselves and around us? Walking in silence as a group is practicing pure awareness, on the road to inner peace. Genster – open platform about silence as a source of quality of life – takes you on a walk through the city centre of Ghent. After a short introduction we start a silent walk of about an hour. Afterwards there will be a discussion about the experience of stillness.
Saturday 24 September from 10.15 am to 12.15 pm
Departure and arrival at library De Krook
An initiative of Avansa region Ghent, Genster and library De Krook
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Silent sit-in
Join us for a short or long time to sit together in silence. With this sit-in we draw attention to and show our solidarity with all those affected by war and violence in the world. The language of silence is universal and helps us to be mindful. Everyone who values world peace is welcome.
Saturday 24 September from 12h to 15h
Library De Krook – Agora
An initiative of Avansa region Ghent, BlinkOut and library De Krook
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